The Fuji TVS Spinning Handle Kits are a one-of-a-kind series created by Fuji's GRBAs from North America. Designed by GRBA Bill Falconer, these handle kits are made to fit his preferred Fuji reel seats and butts.
With sleek new designs that prioritize light weight, excellent performance, and all-day comfort, these kits are perfect for bass, inshore, and slow pitch jigging. These unique kits add a modern, highly customized touch, a rarity outside of JDM or custom-built options. Available in both EVA and high-quality cork with rubberized cork trims, these kits have a superior fit and finish without requiring hours on a lathe.
Each kit includes everything necessary to construct a personalized handle, including Fuji's new high density arbors. Now, even beginner builders can create a rod that matches the appearance and functionality of a pro's.